A Fun Way To Help In Learning A Foreign Language


posted by Tippytoes

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As some of you might already know Finland has two official languages, Finnish and Swedish. Our country was once occupied by Sweden so both languages have strong roots in our country's history. I think it's definitely a very enriching feature! 

Finnish and English I speak and write daily, it's been that way since kindergarten. I don't use Swedish that much (I only took up the language at the age of thirteen) so I try to keep the rust from settling on it by watching the news or reading articles. I've found a fun, refreshing and exciting way to keep up a soon, on the verge to be forgotten language! Elle's Swedish issue caught my eye at the news stand and I thought sure, why not? Besides, you've got to admit the cover looks quite irresistible (bright colors are certainly my weak spot).

This method only works as a back-up. I wouldn't try to learn e.g. Japanese by merely reading magazines, but this can help motivate or arise curiosity. After all, we learn a language best when keeping ourselves curious! 

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