Cake Pops For Christmas


posted by Tippytoes on ,

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This year I'm going to bake cake pops for Christmas. C.C. and I will be trying them out for the first time! Exciting! My "little brother" Bubbaloo volunteered as the official taste tester, a task that shouldn't be taken lightly. The best part of Christmas is when you get to prepare for and spend it with loved ones. 

Cake pops are perfect party food, they're easy to eat and they look - as well as taste delicious! Decorating them allows to be creative. Customized treats!

I ordered supplies from Confetti's online store. Ofcourse the moulds went on sale for 50% off the next day after I had placed my order. Classic! So if you want to receive yours before Christmas I suggest you order within a few days. 

I bought the sticks from Kokkipuoti on Korkeavuorenkatu in Helsinki. 

Photos of the ready cake pops soon to come! Until then, get inspired by the ones below! Also check out the video by Cupcakeaddiction for cool ideas and tips on decorating! 

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